Friday, 6 May 2011

What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Final Cut Pro is a video editing software program developed by Apple and first released in 1998. By the early 2000s, its ease of use and compatibility with a variety of video formats made it popular with independent filmmakers as well as editors in Hollywood. Final Cut Pro was used on films ranging from small straightforward productions.

Use the buttons on the capture viewer to find the beginning of the scene to capture, then press "I". Fast forward to the end of the section to be captured using the capture viewer's controls. Press "O" at the end. Allow a few extra seconds at both beginning and end.

This print screens sh0ws, Captured clips will be listed on the left hand side of the screen in the Browser window. Double click on the first desired clip to enter it into the Viewer. Use the viewer buttons to find the exact start frame desired and press "I", then fast forward to the exact final frame desired and press "O". Under Modify select "Make Sub clip" and name when prompted. Repeat for all clips.

Drag each subclip into the timeline on the bottom of the screen in order. Place each block together.

Select transitions from the Effects tab and drag them onto the line between subclips. If the line above the transition turns red it must be rendered. Under Sequence select "Render Only" and then "Needs Rendering."

After all transitions have been established, under Sequence select "Render All" and "Both." After the render is complete, save the project. Finally, under File select "Export" and use QuickTime Movie, QuickTime Conversion or Compressor to convert the raw digital video into the video and audio format desired.

Here we have mix the sound track which we have used as a background music to our film.
During edit, while using of final cut pro ,we have learned how technology and editing plays an important part in our film overall and the program final cut pro help to produce “See through my eyes”.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Film Opening

Film Name : See through my eyes
A Galaxy Film, Produced by Mars Productions.
Filmed and Directed by Bethany Tilburn and Shauni Higgins.
Introducing Zainab Khan and Sinead Doherty

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The genre we chose for our film opening is a thriller, horror. We used this genre as Horror films are a favorite of genre from everyone in our group. We have used the main base for horror films, with things such as the camera work, the use of sound. We have kept costumes simple and haven’t used any facial make up for the characters compared to some horror films such as Scream, who has the icon ‘mask’ and The decent which has the crawlers in costumes and scary make up.

The structure and narrative of our film is different to other horror films as ours goes backwards in the way it tells the story similar to the film ‘Brick’. This way we feel it would interest the audience to carry on watching it to find out what is going on.
When filming our opening we used a tripod on all occasions apart from one. This was to keep the camera steady and make our opening look more professional and better quality. Other Horror films would of used better equipment to film as they are top professional filmmakers and are able to do this.

We used a hand held camera at one point in our opening to create an uneasy effect, as the audience see the shaky camera movement following the protagonist, and gives a hint that something may happen next. This is a stereotypical Horror film move, a certain action, which tells the audience, something is due to happen.
We have used camera shots such as over the shoulder shots, close ups, low angle shot and long shots. These are typical shots you notice in horror films, to show more detail of the character such as close ups to show the characters reactions.

When it came to editing we used ‘Final cut pro software’. Which allowed us to add music to our opening, and edit certain areas of our film to improve it. On one scene of our film, we had to film the same shot twice, once with out the antagonist and once with them.

This was so we were able to merge the two shots together, and edit it so the antagonist faded in and out of the shot. This was to make it spookier, and make it clearer to the audience that the antagonist is a ghost. We made
the ghost quite transparent similar to ghosts that are seen in the film the ‘sixth sense’.

Horror films are known to have sound effects and music running through them, that creates tension, and gives the films a certain atmosphere. For our opening we have chosen an ambiguous sound that creates an uneasy atmosphere for the audience. The sound effects are important in Horror films as they build up tension and also can be linked to people remembering the film. An example would be the famous horror sound from the film 'Psycho' which has been used in other films.